Tuesday, July 28, 2009


The shuttlecock

The Badminton Court

Games of Badminton

Doubles Badminton

Do you want to play and learn about Badminton? Badminton is a indoor sports required smashing speed and techniques. Badminton is a racquet sport played by two opposing players (singles) or two opposing pair ( doubles). Players score points by striking a shuttlecock (or shuttle) with their racquets so it passes over the net and land in the opponents court.
The objective of the game is simply to return the shuttle over the nets and land in you opponents court. The shuttle is a feather projectile with unique aerodynamics property cause it to fly differently from the ordinary ball use in some sports. Because shuttle is flight affect by wind ,that's why this sports was played indoor. For casual recreational activity,some of the Badminton etusiast play this outdoor.

The toss will conducted before the start of the game,whoever win the toss can choose either serving first or to start the play at either end of the court.The opponent can exercise the remaining choice.
The rules of badminton states that the match shall consist of the best of three games or set. In doubles and men's singles, the first side to score 15 points win the game. In women's singles the first side to score 11 points wins the game. If the score tied at 14 (10 for women's singles) the side which first scored 14 (10) can choose either the game continue to 15 (11) or to continue the game to 17 (13) points.
Rules of Badminton - Singles
Serving and receiving courts. You shall serve from, and receive in, the right service court when you or your opponent has scored an even number of points in that game.You shall serve from, and receive in, the left service court when you or your opponent has scored an odd number of points in that game.You and your opponent will hit the shuttle alternately until a 'fault' is made or the shuttle ceases to be in play.
Scoring and serving.
You score a point and serve again from the alternate service court when your opponent makes a 'fault' or the shuttle ceases to be in play because it touches the surface of your opponent's side of court.No points will be scored when you make a 'fault' or the shuttles ceases to be in play because it touches the surface of your side of court. The serving right will then be transferred to your opponent.
Rules of Badminton - Doubles
At the start of the game, and each time a side gains the right to serve, the service shall be delivered from the right service court. Only your opponent standing diagonally opposite of you shall return the service.Should your opponent's partner touched or hit the shuttle, it shall be a 'fault' and your side scores a point.
Order of play and position on court After the service is returned, either you or your partner may hit the shuttle from any position on your side of the net. Then either player from the opposing side may do the same, and so on, until the shuttle ceases to be in play.

Monday, July 27, 2009


Taekwondo protective gear


Doboc Taekwondo Unifrom

Taekwondo is the art of kicking and punching introduce by Korea. Taekwondo is the national sport of the Korea and one of the most popular martial arts. This became an Olympic event since 2000 Olympics.
Taekwondo training generally includes a system of blocks, kicks,punches and open- handed strikes and may also include various sweeps, joint locks and throws. Some techniques borrowed from Judo and Hapkido such as incorporating the use of pressure points.

Taekwondo became a popular sports and martial arts for different gender and ages. Taekwondo objective is discipline and develops quickness,strength,flexibility balance and stamina. It inproves the coordination of mental capacity and physical strength.

Doboc is a term use for a uniform wear by the student of this martial arts usually white in color, tied with the belt around the waist. The belt color indicates the rank of the students. Usually the color of the belt are white,yellow,blue,red,brown and black this was arrange in order. White is the color for the begginers and black is the expect or expert student.
Since taekwondo originate in Korean, the terminology and languages in the competition or in the sparring is also a Korean some of this common terminolgy:

English -Korean

Attention- Charyeot

Bow- Gyeong Rye

Return -Baro

At ease / Relax- Swieo

Yell- Kihab

Ready- Junbi

Start/Begin- Sijak

Break- Gallyeo

Continue -Gyesok

Finish- Guman

Turn around- Dwiro dora

Dismiss- Haesan

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Table Tennis (Ping pong)

set- up for the competition

table set with net and racket

standard dimension of table for table tennis

Table tennis also known as PingPong is one of the interesting indoor game in the Olympics. The International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) is the highest governing body for this sports founded in 1926.

The game takes place on a hard table equally divided by a net. The game can played by two or four player. The players hit the lightweight ball (usually white or orange in color) using their racket. The players must allow a ball played toward them only one bounce on their side of the table and must return it so that it bounce on the opposite side. Point are score when foul or errors and a player fails to return the ball within the rules.

The sports required skills, quickness and demand reactions to the ball. A skilled player can impart several varieties of spin to the ball, altering its trajectory and limiting an opponent's option to great advantage.

The ball used in table tennis has a diameter of 40mm (formely 38 mm), is made of celluloid, and is hollow. The three star rating on the ball usually implies a top quality ball, in relation to its bounce, roundness and their respective consistency between balls of the sme make and type.

The standard size of the table used in the game have a dimension of 2.74m (9ft) long, 1.525 m (5ft) wide and 76 cm (30 inch) high with a Masonite ( a type of hardboard) or equivalent materials/ timber, layered with a smooth, low friction coating. The table surface usually green or blue in color. The table is divided equally into halves by a 15.25 cm (6 inch.) high net.

In the new rules by the ITTF, the player first score 11 points or more with ahead of two points or more is the winner of the game. Players alternate serves every two points. In case of deuce (score 10-10) the players will alternate serve, the winner is then the first person to gain a two points advantage over his/her opponent. Previously the first player to gain 21 points (except deuce occurs) won the game.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Darts are indoor game commonly played in the United Kingdom ( the first country recognise as a sports).
Darts are thrown at a circular target (dartboard) hung on wall with the height of 1.7 meter (5'8") from the floor to the bulls eye (center of the Dart board). Though various different boards and game involving a specific board design and set of rules. The distance of the dart from the face of the dartboard to the throwing line is 2.37 meter (7' 9 1/4 ") measure horizontally. This became the world standard as set by World Dart Federation and played in the competetion.
The dartboard is divided into 20 numbered equal sections, with numbers mark as 1-20 with traditionally alternately coloured black and white. Hitting the thin outer portions of these sections, coloured red and green, scores double the points value of that section. Hitting the thin inner portions of these sections, roughly halfway between the outer wire and the central circle and again coloured red or green, scores triple the points value of that section. The central circle is divided into a green outer ring worth 25 points (known as "outer", "outer bull", or "iris") and a red inner circle (usually known as "bull", "inner bull" or "double bull"), worth 50 points. The term "bullseye" can mean either the whole central part of the board or just the inner red section. The term "bull's ring" usually means just the green outer ring. The sport of darts is usually contested between two players who take turns in throwing up to three darts. Starting from a set score, usually 501 or 301, a player wins by reducing his score to zero. The last dart in the leg must hit either a double or the inner portion of the bullseye, which is the double of the outer bull, and must reduce the score to exactly 0. Successfully doing so is known as "doubling out" or "checking out". A throw that would reduce a player's score to less than zero does not count, his turn ends, and his score is reset to what it was before that turn. Since the double areas are small, doubling out is usually the most difficult and tense part of a leg. Longer matches are often divided into sets, each comprising some number of legs. Although playing straight down from 501 is standard in darts, other variations exist, notably "doubling in", where players must hit a double to begin scoring, with all darts thrown before said double contributing nothing to their score.

Other games that are commonly played differ in their scoring methods. The "Killer" is one of the most known game of the darts.